There are many reasons why we should be talking about domestic violence. We can come up with a long list on why it is important to talk about it. We can also come up with an endless list of how to prevent it and somehow it will continue to exist.
Domestic violence is a problem and we need to bring awareness by speaking about its existence. Domestic violence does not discriminate and people from all cultures, social economics and or backgrounds can be victims of domestic violence. The National Domestic Hotline has reported that every minute at least 20 people are physically abused by an intimate partner.
Conversations about domestic violence can be hard for those who are victims or for those witnessing the abuse done onto others. Some feel hopeless and scared and for some it might be a cycle that would never end for them. Some victims may read blogs/information on domestic violence but will not seek help as they are scared of their partner and may believe there is no scape.
By bringing awareness and educating ourselves of what intimate violence looks like we will then stop victim blaming and refrain from saying things like, “she must like being abuse,” or, “why don’t they just leave if it’s that bad?” I want to believe that no one likes to be abused or live-in fear. Some individuals just don’t know any better or understand what it means to be in a healthy intimate relationship. Some individuals may had grown up in an environment where they witness the abuse towards their mother or father or a close family member and now views abuse as something normal. They have the believe that the abuse they are enduring is just part of an intimate relationship.
How can the individuals enduring intimate abuse teach or have a conversation with their own children about domestic violence if they can’t seek help for themselves?
Domestic Violence is something that will continue to exist if we don’t talk about it and bring awareness to those around us. We can all help by educating ourselves and those around us. The more we read or hear about it the more equipped we will be when someone finally finds the courage and takes the step to seek our help. The goal is for all of us to gain the tools necessary to help guide the individual in need without being judgmental.
Everyone around you and me deserve to live a life free of intimate abuse. When are you going to start talking about its existence? Your voice can make a difference, make a difference today!
Helplines are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Advocates can help answer questions and provide support for all callers (victims, family, friends).
- Remedies Renewing Lives: 1-(815) 962-6102
- Illinois Domestic Violence Helpline: 1-(877) 863-6338
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-(800) 799-7233
- Please remember all calls are confidential.
-Estefania Barrientos, YWCA Northwestern Illinois La Voz Latina FAC Parent Educator/PAIP Coordinator