Go ahead and laugh! When your child tells a joke, encourage them to continue. Joke telling is a great way for them to develop skills in reading, language, and social interaction. According to parenttrust.org, once a child learns that a word can have multiple meanings, they begin to play with words, increasing their vocabulary and comprehension. As they begin to discover humor, they will want to read joke books – another important literacy benefit.
There are plenty of times throughout the day when you could incorporate jokes into your routine, such as in the car or getting ready. Very young children won’t understand the concept of jokes, but they will still laugh along with older children to be part of the social group. A child’s sense of humor is important to social development and engagement in all stages of life; from babies enjoying silly faces to preschoolers reducing stress with joke telling at school. PBS.org adds that children with more developed senses of humor score higher in tests of intelligence and creativity.
August 16th is Tell a Joke Day, and YWCA has you covered with jokes to share with your family! The jokes below were collected from visitors to our YWCA – E. State location and from children of YWCA staff members. Enjoy!
- What is the scariest plant in the forest? BamBOO!
- What does a bunny say on your birthday? Hoppy birthday! – Beaumont, age 5
- Why did the fork cross the road? Because he wanted to get a t-shirt from the gift shop. – Mia, age 8
- Why did the mushroom go to the party? Because he wanted to mush the cake. – Nevaeh, age 9
- What’s made of leather and sounds like a sneeze? A shoe. – Lily, age 7
- Why did the chicken cross the road? To jump in the river. – age 3
- What are a skunk’s favorite letters? P U – age 6
- What do you get when you milk a cow in Alaska? Snow.
- Why can’t you tell an egg a joke? It’ll crack up.
- How do you get a squirrel to like you? Act like a nut.
- Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use a honeycomb.
- What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear.
- Who is married to Dairy Queen? Burger King.
- What’s a dog’s favorite dance at a wedding? The chow chow slide.
- How do cat’s make a birthday cake? From scratch.
- What’s a princess favorite fast food restaurant? White Castle.
- How do you fix a broken Jack-o-lantern? With a pumpkin patch.
- What time do ducks get up? At the Quack of dawn.
- When is a pig like ink? When he is in the pen.
- How does an astronaut keep his pants up? With an asteroid belt.
- Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.
Kelli Steder, CCAP Supervisor