Legal Services and Aid

Illinois Access to Justice (ILA2J) is a state-wide program, with funding provided by the Illinois Department of Human Services, Office of Welcoming Centers for Refugee and Immigrant Services, that seeks to mitigate the devastating consequences of all forms of detention and the resulting crippling effects on historically marginalized communities. Through a coalition of 60 community-centered organizations, the focus is to protect Black, Brown and Immigrant Illinois residents and ensure they have access to trustworthy, free legal services while also building immigrant community leaders through the community navigator program.

Access to Justice (A2J) is a Community Navigator Program (Community Volunteers) that allows families access to immigration consultations, deportation defense education and workshops on topics relevant to immigrant individuals.

  • We can provide immigration consultations in collaboration with other agencies.
  • We can assist in gathering documentation required, help scheduling appointments and accompany individuals to assist with interpretations, translation and transportation when needed.
  • We also offer workshops on topics including:
    • Know Your Rights
    • Deportation Defense 101
    • Emergency Family Plan Prep
    • Unauthorized Practice of Law, etc.

Community Navigators serve as community educators and connectors. Community Navigator Programs recognize the role, talent, and expertise of community members directly affected by deportation and detainment and provide invaluable outreach, education, document preparation, and navigation assistance to Illinois’ marginalized communities.

For more information or getting assistance through this program please reach out to:

A2J Community Navigator Coordinator

815-968-9681 Ext. 220