Parenting Education
The Nurturing Parenting program is a family-centered trauma-informed initiative designed to build nurturing parenting skills as an alternative to abusive and neglecting parenting and child-rearing practices.
Classes are offered one-on-one or in group, depending on the needs of each parent or family. These classes give new strategies and self-confidence to parents who have been struggling with family management and discipline problems, as well as ineffective communication, poor family attachment, and parental use of punishment. Services include assessment, parent education, individual brief case management, and counseling referrals as needed.
The program is designed to service families who have multiple risk factors (e.g. poverty, substance abuse, domestic violence, unmet health needs, language barriers, isolation due to cultural barriers, lack of a support network, or other risk factors).
Participants are referred by various agencies or are self-referred. The program is open to the public.
There is no cost for this program and is available to all families who meet the eligibility requirements for the Family Advocacy Center (FAC).